My name is Sandra Blühdorn and Circular Horizon is my company.
I work with teams, organisations and individuals in their journeys of transformation and newness; towards healthy ways of growing and innovating with life.
I care about life, and the life of all beings.
I believe that all humans are inherently good, that we are all doing the best we can, and that we always have room for growth.
I see that we have built structures that are no longer supporting us in doing good, no longer helping us live into our true selves and our true nature as human beings living in alignment and respect of all of life.
We are the ones who have created these structures for ourselves.
We have created an economic system that is in imbalance with the planet and her children.
We have created organisational and team structures that serve only a few people.
We are responsible for our beliefs that create our society.
We are also responsible for our limiting beliefs that hold us and society back from full potential.
We are having thoughts and thought patterns, opinions and emotions, within ourselves, some of them supporting us,
many of them stopping us from living into our true selves
with power and beauty.
I believe that we are the creators and owners of these beliefs and structures, which means that we can also recreate and restructure them, enabling us to live a full life in power, beauty and balance.
This is what I am here to do - together with you.

Clients and Work
ada Learning, Allianz, AUDI, Budenheim, Estée Lauder, Heidenhain, Kiefel, NORD/LB, Plansee Group, Ricola, Ricolab, Roche Diagnostics, Startup Guide, twentyfifty, TheDive, VOITH Hydro, VOITH Paper, VOITH Turbo, VitalAire, ZEIT Talent and more
I support in organizational processes of trans-formation, strengthening and innovation as a consultant and facilitator.
I support teams and leaders to transform their collaboration, their way of leading themselves and others, to unleash full potential in more self-organized forms of working together. I do this as
a facilitator and trainer.
As a coach, I also support human beings in their personal journeys of change and growth.
More information about my work
It is my passion and pleasure to support teams, companies and individuals
in processes of change, transformation and creation. I design and deliver workshops and offsites, conferences and trainings for executives and
teams - in German and English.
For the past years, I have been focussing on:
Future-oriented organisational and team structures: self-organisation,
agility and development of learning organisations. -
Leadership: new leadership, distributed leadership, leadership within
self-organisation and in a hybrid context -
Collaboration: new tools and methods (new work), agile work, failure
culture, team effectiveness, meeting culture, psychological safety,
decision making and conflict moderation -
Self-leadership: resilience, regeneration, dealing with change and
external as well as internal uncertainty, growth mindset
My name is Sandra Blühdorn
I have 30 years of professional experience as an employee in corporates, SMEs and start-ups, where I’ve gotten to know organisational structures such as the traditional pyramidal hierarchy, matrix organization and role-based self-organisation from an internal and external perspective. I mix these learnings with my experience from self-employment and as a co-founder of an in-house start-up consultancy and academy for innovation and digital transformation of an international publishing company.
Today, I combine my experience in (self-)leadership, personal development and many years of studies and practice in the expansion of our human consciousness based on an Ancient Earth Wisdom to create and foster a regenerative and balanced leadership mindset.
I am part of creating workplaces where people can bring themselves in as a person, not as a workforce, where everyone sources energy from working instead of losing it and where people can strive to personal
and collective fulfillment in their actions and existence. I experience this as the key to performance
and success.
I am a mother, born German with
a Latin American heart.
My intention is to leave the world in a better place
than it is right now.

If you don’t like where you are,
You’re not a tree.
Throughout the years I have build a broad network of coworkers that I am collaborating with:.
Florian Deffner